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Vijay Armritraj

Grover VA Wines Collection |Nandi Hills, Karnataka, India | Tennis

The Wine
It’s little known that India has had a wine making tradition for most of its history, dating back as far as 500BC, when viticulture was introduced by Persians traders. Though drunk widely during its colonisation in the 19th century, Indian wine took a few knocks – by both phylloxer and prohibition in several dry states. Thankfully it’s been on the mend since then, as demand in India itself and around the world is very much on the up – so much so we can bring you an Indian Sporting Wine!

Inspired by Vijay Amritraj’s legendary feats and iconic style of play, the Grover VA Collection exemplifies the finest India has to offer to the world. As inspiring as the man himself, his wines are inimitably diverse yet smooth to the palate and gracefully well rounded to deliver a rich experience of Indian terroir. His red wine is a blend of Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Viognier, which is rich in fruit and supple in texture, juxtaposed with a fine grain French oak and the powerful flavours of blackberry and blackcurrant. His white wine is a very elegant Viognier with the quintessence of peach, honey and dry apricot aromas as expected from the finest Viognier wine, with a floral nose and hints of vanilla notes from the French Oak integration.

Sporting Connection
Vijay Amritraj (born 14 December 1953) is a former tennis player and sports commentator – as well as an actor – from India.

Not only was Vijay the first Indian to turn fully professional in sport he is often considered amongst the greatest in the history of Indian sport winning 16 singles and 13 doubles titles in his career.

The Winemaker Says

It gives me great pleasure to associate with Grover Zampa Vineyards on this special collection. The wines made with absolute perfection bring together the element of passion and sophistication. It took us a lot of hard work to come up with such a distinctive flavor and quality. I am filled with pride and gratitude for such an overwhelming response from consumers and critics. It gives me a sense of pride to see the collection rank among top Indian wines.

Vijay Armritraj
